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How to Price CNC Machining Processing

Views: 2     Author: yuechen-edit      Publish Time: 2019-02-19      Origin: Site

A CNC (computer numerical controlled) is a machine that has a computerized router that reads digital files and then translates them into precise cuts of 2D, 2.5D and 3D in a variety of materials such as wood, plastics, aluminum, steel, and others.


A CNC machine may or may not have a digital indexer that allows 360-degree sizes, the most common being 1.50 meters long by 70 cm. Wide.

The application of CNC systems in machine tools have greatly increased production, while it has made it possible to perform machining operations that were difficult to do with conventional machines, for example, the realization of spherical surfaces while maintaining a high degree of precision dimensional. Finally, the use of CNC has a favorable impact on production costs, since it leads to the reduction of manufacturing costs of many machines, maintaining or improving their quality.

To determine the price of CNC machining, there are essential factors to consider.

Let’s look at them thus;


Just like any other form of manufacturing, the materials used in the CNC machining has a significant influence on the cost and price of the machining process. While some materials are just more costly as a raw material others are much more difficult to machine. So, when pricing CNC machining processing the material should be greatly considered.

Part Geometry

Another important factor in price quoting for a CNC machining job is the dimensions and the overall geometry of the part. It is clear that the larger the part is physical, the more material that will be required to manufacture it. It would cost more if the geometric design is more detailed and complex.

Manufacturing Equipment Required

The type of equipment that is needed to get the CNC machining process completed would greatly influence the cost. For example, modern machining equipment which is more sophisticated is extremely expensive, and if it’s going to be used in the process, it would be accounted for.

Additional Treatments and Finishes

There would be an increased cost for those products that require additional treatments such as specialized coating, surface finishing, specialty machining operations, and heat treatment. All these should be taken into account when pricing CNC Machining Processing.

Taxes, Environmental, & Regulatory


There are other costs that are important to consider though they may not be obvious. Machining components require the use of many different materials, chemicals, coolants, lubricants, and safety concerns. Another thing that can significantly affect the cost is any special requirements due to the nature or material of construction of a component.

Machinist Skill

As it is with any project, CNC machining requires some special skills. And this special experience and skill of a talented machinist come with some costs. However, more complicated machining jobs require the expertise of more highly trained and skilled machinists. Nothing can take the place of on-the-job experience and on-the-job training regardless of any formal training program. However, most modern machinists have possess a related formal education and on-the-job training.

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